
India’s attempts to change IOK’s demographics unacceptable: President

ISLAMABAD, Aug 14 (APP): President Dr Arif Alvi Wednesday reiterating Pakistan’s unflinching support to the Kashmiris in their just struggle to self-determination, said that India’s regressive decision to alter the special status of Kashmir as a disputed territory and its attempt to tamper with IOK’s demographics was unacceptable.

PAK: PM warns India of serious consequences in case of any misadventure

MUZAFFARABAD, Aug 14 (APP): Declaring himself as an ambassador for raising the Kashmir issue at international fora, Prime Minister Imran Khan Wednesday sternly warned of stronger response from Pakistan in case of any misadventure by Modi led government across the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

He said wars were no solution to the issues, but in case it was imposed upon Pakistan, it would evoke a stronger response entailing serious consequences. The whole nation and its armed forces were ready to respond to any Indian aggression or miscalculation, he added.

'Kashmiris and Pakistanis are one', says Pak President Alvi on I-Day

Islamabad, Aug 14; GANASHAKTI: Pakistan President Arif Alvi on Wednesday said "Kashmiris and Pakistanis are one" people and the country will continue to stand with the people of Kashmir.

Addressing the main function here to mark the 73rd Independence Day, he reiterated Pakistan government's stand against India's move to revoke the special status to Jammu and Kashmir and said Islamabad will move the UN Security Council against New Delhi's decision.

Pakistan's Imran Khan visits Kashmir, vows to stand by 'victims of Indian oppression'

14 August 2019; DW: Prime Minister Imran Khan pledged to stand by "Kashmiri brothers" as India moves to downgrade their special status. Khan traveled to the Pakistani-controlled parts of Kashmir for Pakistan's independence day.

Amid the latest crisis between Pakistan and India, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday pledged to support the struggle for self-determination in Indian-controlled Kashmir.

Pakistan asks UN Security Council to meet over Kashmir

14 August 2019; DW: Pakistan has requested that the UN Security Council meet over India abolishing Kashmir's special autonomous status. Tensions have escalated in the region, which has been disputed for more than 70 years.

Pakistan on Tuesday called for the United Nations Security Council to meet over India's decision to remove special autonomous status of the disputed Kashmir region.

Pakistani PM reiterates support to Kashmiris on Indian side

MUZAFFARABAD, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistan’s prime minister assured Kashmiri people living in the Indian-administered part of the divided region that he supports them in their struggle for self-determination.

In his statement Wednesday, Imran Khan condemned New Delhi’s decision Aug. 5 to downgrade Kashmir’s status, as he began celebrations marking Pakistan’s independence day.

UN resolutions only option to resolve Kashmir issue: Firdous

ISLAMABAD, Aug 13 (APP): Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan on Tuesday said that Kashmir is a disputed territory which could only be resolved under UN Security Council resolutions.

In a tweet she warned that there are great threats to the regional peace if India continues its policy of fanatic mindset of the hardline Modi government on Kashmir and asked the India to review its extremist policy.

Qureshi urges Pakistani diaspora to come out against Indian oppression on Aug 15

MUZAFFARABAD, Aug 12 (APP): Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi Monday urged the Pakistani diaspora living across the world to come out zealously on August 15 (Indian Independence Day) declared as Black Day by Pakistan to protest Indian oppression in occupied Kashmir.

Unified message, Kashmiris’ activation a must to forcefully contest Kashmir case: Qureshi

MUZAFFARABAD, Aug 12 (APP): Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi Monday said that a unified message from the political leadership and activation of Kashmiris were a must to forcefully contest the case of Kashmir at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Addressing a press conference here, the foreign minister said Pakistan had decided to take the Kashmir issue in UNSC and China had assured its support which was essential as it had entered a critical stage.

Modi’s ferocity with 9 m guns can’t deprive Kashmiris of their right: Firdous

ISLAMABAD, Aug 11 (APP): Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Sunday said the ferocity and brutality of Indian Prime Minister Naredra Modi with nine million guns of troops could not deprive Kashmiris of their right (to self-determination).

Dr Firdous, in a series of tweets, said preventing the Kashmiri Muslims from performing worship and religious obligations was the death of a secular India.

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