Russia explores supply, joint production of Su-57 with its strategic partners, says state arms exporter chief


MOSCOW, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- Russia is in contact with its strategic partners on the potential supply and joint production of its fifth-generation Su-57 fighters, local media reported Tuesday.

"The fifth-generation Su-57E fighter, which is presented by Rosoboronexport at the Dubai Airshow 2023 ... is a high-tech product," TASS, the Russian news agency reported, citing Alexander Mikheev, director general of the country's state-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport.

Mikheev said that Moscow is currently holding consultations with a number of its strategic partners on the supply as well as joint development and production of the aircraft.

The Su-57 is a Russian multifunctional fifth-generation fighter. It features a supersonic cruising speed, internal weapons, radio-absorbing coating and the latest complex of onboard equipment.