Two commercial satellites will be launched with Proton in 2019 — Glavkosmos

commercial launches with the Proton carrier rocket

LE BOURGET, June 17. /TASS/: Two commercial launches with the Proton carrier rocket are planned for 2019, Glavkosmos Director General Dmitry Loskutov told TASS on Monday on the sidelines of the Paris Air Show in Le Bourget.

"Later this year, the Proton will deliver two commercial spacecraft in the framework of the contract with the International Launch Services, whose board of directors includes representatives of Glavcosmos," Loskutov said.

He added that GK Launch Services (joint company of Glavkosmos and ISC Kosmotras that organizes commerical launches with Soyuz-2 carrier rocket) is taking part in several tenders for launches in 2021-2023.

International Launch Services is a joint venture with exclusive rights to the worldwide sale of commercial Angara and Proton rocket launch services. Its parent organization of Russia's Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center.