Maduro says he is hopeful about Barbados talks with Venezuelan opposition

Nicolas Maduro

CARACAS, July 9. /TASS/: The new stage of negotiations between the Venezuelan authorities and opposition in Barbados may result in some new agreements, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Monday.

"I have received a report from the head of our delegation about the negotiations process that had kicked off in Barbados. This report makes me hopeful," Maduro told a press conference broadcast live on Periscope.

"We have six main points on the agenda. I am confident that if we continue working in accordance with this agenda, and if there is no interference from the US, we will be able to reach some agreements for the sake of Venezuela," he added noting that the meeting on Monday lasted for five hours.

In May, the Venezuelan authorities and opposition held at least two rounds of indirect talks in Oslo.

On Sunday, representatives of opposition leader Juan Guaido said that they would take part in the new talks with the delegation of the Venezuelan authorities in Barbados under Norway's mediation.