Lebanese Protest Against Refugees’ Naturalisation In Lebanon

BEIRUT, Nov 30 (NNN-NNA) – Lebanese demonstrated on Friday, to protest against the naturalisation of Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

The protesters gathered in front of the headquarters of the EU delegation in Lebanon, complained about the economic burden imposed by refugees in Lebanon, which exacerbates the economic deterioration.

They added that Lebanon has done its full duties towards refugees in the past years.

Meanwhile, the EU delegation announced that, the EU does not aim at integrating refugees in the Lebanese society, and it fully agrees with Lebanese officials, about the temporary stay of refugees in the country.

The EU also noted that Lebanon has been carrying a big burden since the eruption of the civil war in Syria.

“This is why the EU has increased its support for Lebanese host communities, including the improvement of education, healthcare services and infrastructure,” it said.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Lebanon hosts more than 1.5 million Syrians, who fled their war-torn country, since the rebellion against Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, erupted in 2011.

Lebanese President, Michel Aoun, has on many occasions called upon the international community to secure the safe return of refugees to their homeland.

However, the international community has been insistent on reaching a political solution in Syria, before the return of refugees.