Chilean President Sebastian Piñera has lowest approval rating ever

Sebastian Pinera

SANTIAGO, Dec 3 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — Many Chileans are wondering just how much further Chilean President Sebastian Piñera’s popularity can fall, after polls revealed the lowest approval ratings for a president since the country’s return to democracy.

The Pulso Ciudadano poll, conducted by consulting firm Criteria Research, and that undertaken by Cadem’s Plaza Pública, differ in terms of the ratings of the president’s administration, but both polls indicate that his unpopularity has reached a record level compared to the rest of the presidents who have occupied La Moneda since 1990.

According to Cadem, considered by analysts as sympathetic to the government, Piñera’s approval rating collapsed to just 10% last week, and his disapproval rating reached 82%.

This indicates that the president’s support fell by two percentage points in the last seven days and his disapproval increased by 1%.

The results of the Pulso Ciudadano poll in November are even worse, since they reflect only 4.6% approval – almost five points less compared to the October results – while rejection of the president increased 17%, reaching 78.1% of respondents.

Determining factors expressed by respondents were the president’s poor handling of the social and political crisis the country is experiencing, his lack of leadership, and his failure to heed the demands of the population.