Brazil Registers 11,130 COVID-19 Cases, 486 Deaths

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RIO DE JANEIRO, Apr 6 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) – Brazil’s Health Ministry said, the country’s death toll from COVID-19 climbed to 486, as 11,130 people tested positive to the disease.

In the past 24 hours, 54 patients died, up 12.5 percent compared with the day before, and 852 new infections were detected, placing the mortality rate at 4.4 percent, said the authorities.

Southeast Brazil, the country’s most populous region, registered 60 percent of the cases (6,678) and 72.2 percent of the deaths (351).

The state with the largest caseload is Sao Paulo, the most populous and wealthiest in the country, with 4,620 cases and 275 deaths.

It is followed by Rio de Janeiro, also in southeast Brazil, with 1,394 cases and 64 deaths.

In Latin America, Brazil is hardest hit by the virus, with authorities acknowledging that the actual number of infections could be much higher, since only seriously ill patients receive tests.