Cabinet to allocate almost $155 mln for subsidies to Russian airports, says PM

Mikhail Mishustin

MOSCOW, May 28. /TASS/: Russia’s government will allocate almost 11 bln rubles ($155 mln) for aid to airports amid the pandemic, the prime minister said at a cabinet meeting on Thursday.

"Almost 11 bln rubles will be allocated to supporting our airports," he said, adding that "the funds should be spent on wages and insurance contributions payment first of all."

The Transport Ministry and Finance Ministry preliminarily agreed aid to Russian airports amounting to 10.1 bln rubles ($142 mln) for the period until July. After July, airlines and airports may require 30 bln rubles ($422 mln) more. Transport Minister Yevgeny Dietrich said earlier that the issue of allocation of additional funds would be considered taking into account the dynamics of operations in the sector in May and June considering the possibilities of the federal budget