Turkey envoy: Our activities in Mediterranean ‘within international law’

 Burak Ozugergin

02 June 2020; MEMO: The Turkish Ambassador to Greece, Burak Ozugergin said his country’s exploration activities in the Mediterranean Sea are within the framework of international law.

The official was summoned by the Greek Foreign Ministry yesterday after the Turkish government’s gazette published applications by Turkish Petroleum (TPAO) for an exploration permit in the Mediterranean Sea.

The Turkish ambassador explained during his meeting with the Greek officials that Ankara’s positions regarding the Cyprus issue, hydrocarbon exploration and Libya are “well-known and transparent” and “within the bounds of international law”.

According to Ozugergin, Greece has ignored several calls initiated by Ankara for dialogue, stressing the importance of dialogue between the two neighbouring countries.

Greece has condemned Turkey’s intention to start new oil exploration operations in the Eِastern Mediterranean and described them as a “new provocation”.

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said in a statement that his country “is ready to deal with such new provocations if Turkey decides to implement them”.