Expelled Russian diplomats to leave Prague on June 7

MOSCOW, June 6. /TASS/: Two Russian diplomats expelled from the Czech Republic will leave Prague on June 7, Deputy Head of Russia’s Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation Mikhail Bryukhanov told TASS on Saturday.

"They will leave Prague for Moscow on June 7. We have found a way for them to travel from the Czech Republic to Russia," he said.

Bryukhanov told TASS on Friday that it was unclear how the agency’s expelled employees would travel amid coronavirus restrictions.

On June 5, the Czech Foreign Ministry notified the Russian embassy of Prague’s decision to expel two embassy workers. Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis earlier declared the two diplomats personae non grata. According to him, reports of a Russian diplomat bringing ricin poison into the country, which followed the demolition of a monument dedicated to WWII Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev in Prague, turned out to be fake. Babis alleged that a Russian embassy employee had provided counterintelligence services with false information about a planned poison attack on Czech politicians, raising tensions between the two countries.