Israel’s annexation of Palestinian territories to deep-six two-state solution — diplomat

Israeli forces destroy a building in a Palestinian village

MOSCOW, June 9. /TASS/: Israel’s plans to annex parts of occupied Palestinian territories will shut the door on the two-state solution and may provoke another round of violence in the region, Russian Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa Mikhail Bogdanov said in an interview for Egypt-based Al-Ahram newspaper, also published on the Russian Foreign Ministry's website Tuesday.

According to the envoy, it is possible that in the near future, "the new coalition government of Israel will commence practical steps on implementation" of statements regarding extension of the Israeli sovereignty over parts of the West Bank.

"We believe that such a development may be highly dangerous. We agree with estimations and warnings on this issue, reflected in the latest resolutions of the Arab League on the matter," the senior diplomat said.

"We believe that annexation of part of the Palestinian territories by Israel would not only shut the door on the two-state solution, but would also most likely cause a new round of violence in Palestine, and pique already acute discontent of the Arab streets," Bogdanov said.

The envoy underscored that Russia’s principled position in favor of the two-state solution of the Palestinian question grounded on universally recognized international legal basis remains unchanged.

"Meanwhile, it is imperative to push for immediate resumption of direct talks between the Israeli and the Palestinian sides under the UN aegis to resolve all questions regarding the final status and to achieve a comprehensive peace agreement, based on UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative," he added.

"We are certain that restoration of Palestinian unity based on the Palestine Liberation Organization platform is an important prerequisite for launch of the full-scale peace process," Bogdanov said.

He also noted "concerted efforts, taken by the Egyptian authorities on this issue."