Peru’s COVID-19 Cases Top 200,000

LIMA, June 10 (NNN-ANDINA) – The number of COVID-19 cases in Peru surpassed 200,000 on Tuesday, less than a month after the virus caseload topped 100,000 in the country.

A total of 1,227,691 tests for the virus have been carried out so far, with 203,736 positive cases, the health ministry said, in its latest report.

The South American country registered 5,738 deaths from the disease, representing the third highest death toll in Latin America and the Caribbean, after Brazil and Mexico.

“Out of all the people who tested positive, to date 92,929 of them have completed their quarantine at home, or been discharged from a health facility,” the ministry said.

Peru, with the eighth highest number of cases in the world, has the second largest caseload in Latin America after Brazil.

Peru’s capital, Lima, the hardest-hit region, registered 120,183 cases.

The country has carried out quarantine measures and a nighttime curfew to curb the spread of the pandemic.