Russia warns other states against meddling in Belarusian presidential election


MOSCOW, June 10. /TASS/: Russia is not interfering in the Belarusian presidential election and calls on other countries not to meddle in the polls, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday.

"Certainly, we are observing with great attention how the election campaign is held and we wish our Belarusian partners to successfully hold this election," Peskov said, stressing that the Kremlin saw nothing "that would discredit these polls."

"This is the domestic affair of Belarus and we suggest that there should be no meddling in this domestic affair," Peskov said.

In comment on Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko’s claims that the opposition in the republic was "sponsored by Russian oligarchs," Peskov noted that the Kremlin was unaware whether there were some Russian oligarchs or businessmen who use money for influencing policy. "It is also unclear what they would do in Belarus," he said.

Belarus is scheduled to hold the presidential election on August 9. On May 21, the procedure of collecting voters’ signatures for nominating candidates began, which is due to be over on June 19. The presidential hopefuls will be registered on July 5-14.