Russia: Terms of achieving National Projects' goals to be extended until 2030

Mikhail Mishustin

MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/: The terms of achieving Russia’s National Projects may be extended until 2030, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at a meeting of the Presidential Council on strategic development and National Projects on Monday.

"It is possible to extend the terms of achieving National Projects until 2030," he said, adding that it is also necessary to consider the accumulated experience of implementation of National Projects.

The government faces the work amid tight budget restrictions in coming years, PM noted.

"The coronavirus spread and its aftermath for the global economy and for Russia, on the one hand, triggered the development of certain market segments, but on the other - created new limitations, slowed down economic growth, lowered consolidated budget revenues. In setting the targets and defining the rates of movement to them, we are to take that into consideration," he emphasized.