Libya’s GNA declares ceasefire across country’s territorry

MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/: Libya’s Government of the National Accord declared an immediate ceasefire and suspension of all military operation across the entirety of the Republic, Sky News - Arabia TV Channel reported Friday.

"A comprehensive ceasefire will make it possible to stop the foreign military intervention [in the country’s internal affairs] and to end the presence of mercenaries [on the Libyan territory]," the GNA said, according to the report.

The announcement notes that creation of a demilitarized zone in the cities of Sirt and al-Jufra is necessary to ensure the ceasefire regime. The GNA also called to hold presidential and parliamentary elections in March next year.

Besides, the statement says that extraction and export of Libyan oil must be restored, with all income sent to the National Oil Corporation’s account in a foreign bank.

There are two parallel executive bodies in Libya - the Tripoli-based GNA, led by Fayeez Sarraj, and the east-based interim cabinet, supported by the Libyan National Army led by field marshal Khalifa Haftar. In spring 2019, Haftar initiated an offensive on Tripoli; in response, the GNA called on Turkey for support.