Yemen: 2 senior Houthi leaders killed

25 Aug 2020; MEMO: Two senior Houthi leaders have been pronounced dead during clashes with the Yemeni army in Al Jawf Governorate near Saudi Arabia, Arabi21 reported yesterday.

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Houthi government, Hussein Al-Izzi, announced their death in a tweet, naming them as Major General Ezzi Salah Dahawa and Major General Ruhollah Zaid Ali Musleh.

Media sources reported fierce clashes between the Houthis and forces loyal to the internationally-backed President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi in Marais area in the north of Dhale governorate, south of Yemen.

Local media reported Brigadier General Abdullah Muzahim, one of the leaders of the Yemeni army, saying on Saturday: “The National Army forces began a large military operation this morning and were able, in the early hours, to liberate large areas and strategic sites in several axes on the Marais front.”

He stressed that “the battles have resulted in the death of more than 25 members of the Houthi militia and the wounding of others, in addition to many other losses in military equipment.”

On the other hand, Houthi sources reported that dozens of Saudi coalition forces were wounded during clashes in Marais.