International community shows rare unity on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict — Russian diplomat

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, September 30. /TASS/: The international community has shown rare unity on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in an interview with TASS on Wednesday.

"Although the international community rarely manages to unite, but this time, to their credit, the heads of international organizations, the heads of state, politicians and public figures echo one another, in a good way," she pointed out.

Zakharova noted that the international community called for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations, as well as for the resumption of political and diplomatic efforts "to resolve this long-standing problem." "There is no alternative to finding a political, diplomatic and peaceful solution, it is reflected in documents developed in the past years," she stressed.

When speaking about Russia’s mediation efforts, the diplomat noted that Moscow was doing everything possible to calm the situation down and was calling for a ceasefire. "Russia is doing that both in its national capacity and as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group. We have heard bellicose statements, which are, unfortunately, aimed at raising tensions and expanding the armed conflict. But I would like to reiterate that there have been few statements of this kind," the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman emphasized.

Tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia escalated on September 27. Fighting is underway in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Baku and Yerevan have introduced martial law and mobilization. Both parties to the conflict have reported casualties, including civilian ones. Baku claims to have taken control of several villages and strategic heights in Nagorno-Karabakh. Yerevan reports shelling of its territory.