Russia: Infrastructure for two more Avangard systems to be ready near Orenburg by yearend

Sergei Shoigu

MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/: Infrastructure for deploying two more missile systems Avangard will be finalized at the Orenburg strategic missiles force site by the end of the year, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

"A total of 597 strategic nuclear force-related facilities have been commissioned. Construction projects have been finalized in the Kaluga Region, which allowed for placing two Yars missiles into the silos in September on time. By the end of the year infrastructure will be prepared in the Orenburg Region for putting on combat duty another two Avangard missile systems," Shoigu said at the Defense Ministry’s teleconference devoted to the performance of the military-construction complex in 2020.

The first missile regiment armed with the hypersonic glide vehicles Avangard entered duty near Orenburg at the end of last year.

The glide vehicle Avangard was developed by the military industrial corporation NPO Mashinostroyeniya. It is capable of flying at hypersonic speeds in the dense layers of the atmosphere, changing course and altitude and penetrating any anti-missile defense.