Iranian deputy foreign minister presents Karabakh settlement plan in Moscow

artillery attack in Nagorno-Karabakh

MOSCOW, October 29: Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran presented Tehran’s Nagorno-Karabakh settlement plan, based on a regional approach, to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Iranian Embassy in Moscow told TASS Thursday.

"Today, he arrived in Moscow from Baku and is now discussing Iran’s plan for the resolution of the mentioned conflict. After consultations with Russian friends, he will travel to Yerevan and Ankara," the embassy said. "The feature of this plan is that it seeks to find a resolution for this conflict with assistance of regional countries, unlike the OSCE Minsk Group, which includes countries located far away from us, who cannot truly feel the pain of the people of our region."

The OSCE Minsk Group is co-chaired by Russia, the US and France. It also includes a number of other nations, both from the conflict region and beyond. The Group has been working on a resolution of the conflict since 1992.