Coronavirus situation in Russia mostly under control, Kremlin says

Dmitry Peskov

MOSCOW, November 24. /TASS/: Russian healthcare is highly overloaded amid the coronavirus pandemic, but the infection spread in general remains under control, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists Tuesday.

"The epidemiologic situation becomes more complicated," he noted. "The healthcare system operates, undoubtedly, in a high overload mode, but still, aside from several troubled regions, which [Deputy Prime Minister] Tatiana Golikova spoke about, the situation in general remains under control."

Answering a question whether the Kremlin agrees with Golikova’s assessment, Peskov noted that "the Kremlin cannot disagree, because Tatiana Golikova leads this field and, basically, coordinates hourly, around-the-clock activity of the anti-crisis center."

"She is the original source in this situation," the spokesman said.

Speaking about complications in the regions, Peskov underscored that those are "ongoing issues." According to the spokesman," it is perfectly clear what must be done" to solve these issues. The government regularly takes rapid action to that extent, the spokesman said.

"The set of emergency regions is constantly changing," Peskov said. "When complications arise somewhere, the government takes action, coordinated with the regional authorities, and various problematic issues are being resolved, be it drug shipment for ambulatory treatment, bed arsenal, vehicles, transport services for medics."

Meanwhile, Peskov underscored that the spread of the new coronavirus has become an epidemiologic challenge that all countries have faced.

"Neither in the new nor in the newest history has the mankind faced such challenges before," he reminded.