Senior UN Official Calls For Efforts To Preserve Iran Nuclear Deal

Iran Nuclear Deal

UNITED NATIONS, Dec 23 (NNN-AGENCIES) – UN Undersecretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, called for efforts to preserve the Iran nuclear deal.

“The Iranian nuclear issue is an important non-proliferation subject, with consequences for regional and global peace. In achieving the JCPOA, concerned countries showed that their dialogue and diplomacy, supported by a united Security Council, could forge a path to resolving this issue. We hope these countries and the council can do so again,” said DiCarlo.

UN non-proliferation efforts seek to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament. These efforts have a bearing on the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflict at both regional and international levels. Full implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and Security Council Resolution 2231, which endorsed the deal, can contribute to regional stability, she said, in a briefing.

Regrettably, however, regional tensions have increased. The last several years witnessed attacks on critical infrastructure, heated rhetoric and the heightened risk of miscalculation, she said.

UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, consistently underscored the importance of JCPOA and encouraged all states to support it. He also believes Iran should address concerns raised about its activities in relation to the restrictive measures, she noted. “As we had said before, issues not directly related to the plan should be addressed without prejudice to preserving the agreement and its accomplishments.”

The UN regrets steps taken by the United States, when it withdrew from the deal, as well as, the steps taken by Iran, since July, 2019, to reduce some of its nuclear-related commitments under the deal, said DiCarlo.

The re-imposition by the U.S. of all its unilateral sanctions that had been lifted or waived pursuant to the deal is contrary to the goals set out in the deal and in Resolution 2231. Steps taken by the U.S. not to extend waivers for the trade in oil with Iran and certain non-proliferation projects, may have impeded the ability of Iran and other member states to implement certain provisions, she said.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran installed a cascade of advanced IR-2M centrifuges at the Natanz plant and begun feeding uranium hexafluoride into them. Iran also enriched uranium up to 4.5 percent U-235, and its total enriched uranium stockpile was 2,442.9 kg, surpassing JCPOA-stipulated limits in both areas. The United Nations also takes note of the Dec 4 report of the IAEA, regarding Iran’s intentions to install additional cascades of IR-2M centrifuge machines at Natanz, she said.

Iran stated its intention to remain in the JCPOA, and the steps it took are reversible. It is essential that Iran refrains from further steps to reduce its commitments and returns to full implementation of the deal.

UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, calls on all participants of the Iran nuclear deal to work constructively, to address their differences within the dispute resolution mechanism outlined in the deal. He also underscores the importance of all initiatives in support of trade and economic relations with Iran, especially during the current economic and health challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, she said.

While the U.S. insists that international sanctions against Iran prior to the JCPOA must be reinstated, the majority of Security Council members and Iran have made their positions clear, that the U.S. was not in a position to initiate the snapback mechanism, as provided for in Resolution 2231, since the U.S. was no longer a participant of the deal by the time it was trying to do so in Aug, 2020.