Russia: Future US administration may preserve trade restrictions against China - Medvedev


MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/: The United States’ future administration may leave in effect the trade restrictions against China, although President-elect Joe Biden’s election rhetoric was far more peaceful than statements by his rival in the race Donald Trump, the deputy chief of Russia’s Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, wrote in his op-ed published by on Saturday.

About the latest presidential election in the US he said that "even on the issue of interaction with China the candidates have managed to take generally opposing positions, although both share the opinion that China is America's main competitor." Medvedev stressed that throughout the election campaign "Biden's rhetoric towards China was significantly more peaceful in comparison to Trump's promises and actions."

"However, trade restrictions imposed by the Trump administration may remain in place in the new circumstances if the situation requires so," he warned.

Medvedev believes that "the experience of the Jackson-Vanik amendment and other sanctions laws shows that such restrictions can persist for a long time, even after the reason for their imposition has disappeared."