Russia: US techniques for democratization of other countries backfired - Medvedev


MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/: The techniques previously used by Washington for democratization of other countries have boomeranged on the United States, the deputy chief of Russia’s Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, wrote in his op-ed published by

"The techniques previously used by Washington for democratization of other countries backfired. The cold civil war that had been raging in the US for a few months reached its climax," he said.

"While the world is condemning the attack on the Capitol, anxiously waiting for what is to come next, it is as yet unclear how the Republicans and the Democrats are supposed to find common ground. The social polarization keeps growing. The long-forgotten spirit of McCarthyism is again felt in the air," he warned.

"And there is no one who could answer the question: are there a person and a timeless value that could unite the nation. The situation that has been brought about by a chain of events predetermined by the archaic voting system can lead to new waves of violence and unrest. On the other hand, the American political system has proved its flexibility over the course of centuries. I am sure this time it will cope, too," Medvedev stated.

Unrest in Washington

On January 6, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol Building in Washington DC to stop lawmakers from officially certifying the results of the November 3 presidential election in a last-ditch attempt to prevent Democrat Joe Biden from becoming the new president. The Democrats in Congress accused Trump of inciting revolt and demanded his impeachment. Some members of the Republican Party voiced the same opinion. The House of Representatives voted for Trump’s impeachment by passing a corresponding resolution.

In protest against Trump’s actions and unrest on Capitol Hill, in which several people died, some administration officials, including secretaries of transportation and education, resigned. Biden’s inauguration is scheduled for January 20.