WHO hopes Russia will actively participate in Oslo Medicines Initiative

Melita Vujnovic

MOSCOW, February 25. /TASS/: The World Health Organization (WHO) is counting on Russia to take part in the Oslo Medicines Initiative, WHO envoy to Russia Melita Vujnovic said at the expert council meeting in the Russian Federation Council (upper house of parliament) Thursday.

Vujnovic drew attention to the Oslo Medicines Initiative, promoted by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Norwegian government, which is aimed at creating a platform for discussion of social contract models in healthcare as well as functions and responsibilities of states, NGOs and scientific community.

"The WHO will provide assistance to the platform where various points of view will be discussed and new solutions will be studied. We are counting on and expecting Russia to take an active part [in the initiative] as it can help not only on the national level but also on the regional and global ones to solve these problems," she stressed.

According to the WHO website, the Oslo Medicines Initiative "will provide a neutral platform for the public and private sectors to jointly outline a vision for equitable and sustainable access to effective, innovative and affordable medicines."