UN urges ‘decisive action’ to stave off debt crisis in developing countries

Antonio Guterres

UNITED NATIONS, Mar 29 (APP): UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for ‘decisive action’ to provide debt relief to developing countries that have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic as he said the steps taken so far to prevent debt crises across the world have not been sufficient to restore economic stability.

More than a year into the pandemic, the fiscal impacts of the crisis are triggering debt distress in a growing number of countries and is severely limiting the ability of many countries to invest in recovery and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including urgently needed climate action, according to a policy brief issued by the UN Secretary-General on Monday.

The policy brief said that 42 economies borrowing from capital markets have experienced sovereign downgrades since the start of the pandemic, including 6 developed countries, 27 emerging market economies, and 9 least developed countries.

Sovereign downgrades cause borrowing costs to rise, especially for developing countries, which can, in turn, increase the risk of more countries tipping over into unsustainable debt – especially if the COVID-19 pandemic is more protracted and deeper than expected.
“Unless we take decisive action on debt and liquidity challenges, we risk another ‘lost decade’ for many developing countries, putting the achievement of the SDGs by the 2030 deadline definitively out of reach”, Guterres said.

In April 2020, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was among the first to call on international stakeholders for urgent debt relief for developing countries so they can deal more effectively with the economic fallout from the pandemic.

The policy brief, entitled Liquidity and Debt Solutions to Invest in the SDGs, takes stock of the global policy response since April last year, assess remaining gaps and challenges for their implementation, as well as propose updates to the recommendations, presented last year, in light of developments over the past 12 months.

The policy brief highlighted the need for debt relief to create space for investments in recovery and for achieving the SDGs.

Even in cases of elevated debt, new borrowing can lead to improved creditworthiness if it finances productive investments, it noted, adding that debt relief can also free up resources, create conditions under which countries can return to voluntary market access, and may lower a country’s overall borrowing costs, with positive impacts across the whole economy.

The Secretary-General also urged governments to provide fresh concessional financing for developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States, recapitalize multilateral development banks and accelerate the timetable for replenishing the funds, meet official development assistance (ODA) commitments and provide long-term financing to developing countries for investment in long-term growth.
In support of recent endorsements from the G7, the document also called for a new general allocation of special drawing rights reiterating the need to combine a voluntary reallocation of the rights from developed to developing countries.

The brief also urged the G20 to extend the World Bank’s Debt Suspension Initiative (DSSI) until the end of June 2022 and include middle-income countries, notably small island developing States that have been gravely affected by the crisis.

It also urged the bloc to extend the eligibility for debt relief under its Common Framework for Debt Treatment Beyond the DSSI to other vulnerable countries on a case-by-case basis, as well as consider other mechanisms that would allow countries to access the framework, without compromising the credit rating.

The policy brief was released to coincide with the high-level meeting of Heads of State and Government on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond.
The virtual meeting followed-up on a series of meetings and last year to mobilize action to assist the economic recovery from the pandemic.

The high-level meeting has been convened jointly by the Secretary-General, Prime Minister Andrew Holness of Jamaica, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada.