Russia: Facebook, Google to be subject to prosecution if they fail to report on data localization

Facebook, Google

MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/: Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) demanded that Facebook, Twitter, and Google provide information on the localization of databases of Russian users in Russia. In the absence of a response, they will be held accountable, the service told TASS on Thursday.

"Roskomnadzor once again demanded that the Facebook and Twitter administrations provide data on localizing databases of Russian users in Russia. The agency sent a similar request to Google. In the absence of an answer, the issue of bringing foreign companies to justice for violating Russian legislation will be reviewed," the department said.

At the same time, Twitter did not pay a fine of 4 mln rubles ($51,840) for failure to provide information on the localization of databases of Russian users in the Russian Federation, the federal watchdog added.

"In 2020, the court fined Twitter and Facebook - 4 mln rubles each. To date, the Twitter administration has not paid the fine. Facebook has paid the fine. However, both companies have not yet responded to Roskomnadzor's demands to provide the necessary information on the localization of databases of Russian citizens," the service said.

The Law "On Personal Data" obliges Russian and foreign companies to store personal information of Russians only on the territory of the Russian Federation. The localization requirement applies to foreign companies that do not have a physical presence in Russia. For failure to comply with the requirement, a penalty is provided in the form of a fine in the amount of 1-6 mln rubles ($12,958-77,750), for a repeated violation - 6-18 mln rubles ($77,750-223,252).