Russian Navy missile corvettes hold artillery firings in Black Sea


SEVASTOPOL, April 9. /TASS/: The small missile ships Graivoron and Vyshny Volochyok held artillery firings against a surface target in the Black Sea, the Black Sea Fleet’s press office reported on Friday.

"In the course of the exercise, the corvettes’ crews received a command to employ weapons against an adversary ship. Under the drills’ scenario, a notional enemy’s ship made an attempt to lay minefields along the route of the Black Sea Fleet ships’ passage," the press office said in a statement.

"The reconnaissance data obtained from an unmanned aerial vehicle of the Black Sea Fleet’s naval aviation and air defense forces were transmitted to a group of the Black Sea Fleet’s missile corvettes at sea. Upon receiving the scenario inject, the Graivoron and the Vyshny Volochyok moved to the designated area, detected and eliminated the notional enemy’s warship while it was carrying out illegal activities," the statement says.

The artillery shells accurately hit the shipborne sea screen serving as the target that simulated the adversary warship, the press office said.

"The artillery squads of the missile corvettes also held qualification firings against floating mine mock-ups. The firings were conducted in accordance with the plan of the final check of the Black Sea forces for the winter training period in a Black Sea naval combat training range," the press office specified.

The small missile ships Graivoron and Vyshny Volochyok are Project 21631 Buyan-M-class corvettes outfitted with the latest artillery, missile, anti-saboteur, air defense and radio-technical armament, including the most advanced Kalibr-NK precision missile system designated to strike naval and coastal targets.