Houthis say they attacked anti-missile structure in Saudi

15 Apr 2021; MEMO: Yemen's Houthi group used drones and missiles to attack targets in the southern Saudi city of Jazan, it said today, including one belonging to state oil giant Aramco which caused a fire, Reuters reported.

There was no Saudi confirmation of a fire or of a hit on a patriot anti-missile structure which the Houthi military spokesman said was also struck. However, the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis in Yemen said some debris from intercepting the four drones and five ballistic missiles fired overnight and in the early morning had landed within the grounds of Jazan University and started a limited fire that was brought under control.

Saudi formed a mainly Arab coalition to enter the war in Yemen in 2015 in an effort to reverse Houthi gains after the group ousted the internationally-backed government from the capital. The government was forced into exile and relocated to the Saudi capital Riyadh.

The conflict, seen in the region as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, has killed tens of thousands of people and pushed the Arabian Peninsula nation to the brink of famine.