Russia: Two-week simulated Moon flight isolation experiment with 6 volunteers kicks off in Moscow

Russian Moon flight isolation experiment by 6 volunteers

MOSCOW, April 16. /TASS/: A two-week isolation experiment simulating a flight to the Moon aboard an Orlyonok spacecraft kicked off on the premises of the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow, Project Supervisor, Institute Staffer Sergei Ponomaryov told TASS on Friday.

"An isolation experiment, Eskiz, has begun on the premises of the Institute of Biomedical Problems. The crew of six has entered the ground-based compound," he said.

As its specific feature, the experiment will provide little living space of about 8-12 meters for six individuals. The space will be outfitted with sleeping places, several workplaces with a large amount of scientific equipment and a lavatory.

Over two weeks, the crew will notionally travel to the Moon, make a spacewalk on the lunar surface and get back. The extra-vehicular activity will be simulated using virtual reality means. During the experiment, the crew will test a helmet and a unique system of simulating lunar gravity.

The isolation experiment aims to study the early period of adapting to complex conditions. Specialists will see how the crew will interact within quite cramped space and how much this will impact the crewmembers’ psycho-emotional status, Ponomaryov said.

Following this, specialists will work out means and methods of psychological support. They will also study the non-specific impact on the immune system. When an individual experiences stress, changes in the immunity system are observed and the cause of these changes is still unclear, he said

The Eskiz project is being financed through the Education and Science Ministry’s project of the Pavlov Center for Integrative Physiology for Medicine, Hi-Tech Healthcare and Stress Resilience Technologies, and also through the project of the Russian Science Foundation.