Jordan: prince agreed not to answer phone calls

Prince Hamzeh bin al-Hussein

 22 Apr 2021; MEMO: Jordan's Senate Speaker Faisal Al-Fayez said on Wednesday that Prince Hamzah Bin Hussein had agreed not to speak to the media and not even answer phone calls, it has been reported. Al-Quds Al-Araby cited a report by France 24 saying that this agreement came as part of a deal reached with his uncle Prince Hassan Bin Talal, the former Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom.

According to Al-Fayez, the Public Prosecutor has opened investigations into the alleged "coup", in which there were up to 18 people involved in addition to Prince Hamzah. When the investigations are completed, it will be clear whether there was any external involvement or not.

King Abdullah decided to resolve the issue of the prince within the royal family, and Hamzah issued a statement confirming his loyalty to the King and Crown Prince Al-Hussein. He appeared along with members of the royal family visiting the royal cemetery on 11 April to mark the centenary of the creation of the Hashemite Kingdom. This, said Al Fayez, confirms that he is not under house arrest.

Two days earlier, Al Fayez was reported by FARS news agency saying that Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and former envoy of Donald Trump, and others were involved in the incidents in Jordan. It claimed that King Abdullah is paying the price for his opposition to the US "deal of the century" imposed on the people of Palestine.