Russia: Vaccination with Sputnik Light one-dose jab reveals no complications, says expert

Sputnik V

MOSCOW, May 12. /TASS/: No specific complications have been found after people have been inoculated with the Sputnik Light one-dose coronavirus vaccine, said Fyodor Lisitsyn, a leading specialist with the Virology Institute at the Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, on Wednesday.

"There are no complications so far, except for the usual temperature increase among 7% of patients… There are no other specific complications," the expert said in a live broadcast on the Doktor TV Channel.

Sputnik Light is the first component of Sputnik V, which became the first registered vaccine against the coronavirus infection worldwide in August 2020. This is a vector vaccine based on a human adenovirus used to transport genetic information of the novel coronavirus. Sputnik Light was registered in Russia on May 6.

According to the latest data, the efficacy of Sputnik V reaches 97.6%. This is the highest indicator worldwide.