Jordanians demand authorities open border with Palestine

15 May 2021; MEMO: A large number of Jordanians on Friday headed to the country's borders with Palestine to participate in an event called for by activists in support of their brothers in the occupied territories.

The gathering occurred on Friday afternoon in front of the Martyrs of Dignity Memorial in Al-Aghwar Al-Janubi.

Eyewitnesses reported that security forces were present at the gathering location, especially with the continuous arrival of hundreds of participants.

According to the sources, the participants chanted slogans, demanded opening the borders and expressed their support for their Palestinian brothers. Other Jordanians called for uniting the ranks, standing with the resistance, as they and the Palestinians are "one people".

For over a week, Jordan has been witnessing popular protests in support of Palestine, as the demonstrators called on their country's government to take a firm stand on the events in the occupied territories.