Venezuela to further promote partnership with China: minister


CARACAS, May 28 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan Minister of Communication and Information Freddy Nanez said Friday that he stands ready to further promote the partnership between Venezuela and China.

"The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the driver of the economic and political victories of this great country," said Nanez at an online event, adding the CPC has the "virtue of working day and night for the common good of 20 percent of humanity."

He made the remarks during a video conference held in Caracas to mark the CPC's 100th anniversary, along with political figures, including China's Ambassador to Venezuela Li Baorong, and some media personalities.

In his speech, Li said, "under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have achieved national liberation and independence."

"For the past 100 years, no matter how the situation changes and the challenges facing the CPC, it always makes history, sets its goal, and steadily moves in the right direction," the ambassador said.

Oscar Schemel, head of leading Venezuelan analysis firm Hinterlaces, said that Venezuela sees China as "a fundamental point of reference in which, without copying models, we could find elements adaptable to our own conditions," such as "the planning capacity of the Communist Party of China."