India to train 1,800 Bangladeshi civil servants

New Delhi, Feb 8 (PTI) India will train 1,800 civil servants from Bangladesh in ethics in administration and public policy among other areas of governance, officials said.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on Friday between the National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG), an institute under the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), and the Ministry of Public Administration, Government of Bangladesh, in this regard, they said.

K V Eapen, Secretary DARPG and Director General of NCGG, said the collaboration represents a historic milestone in training and capacity building programmes between India and Bangladesh.

He said that Bangladesh civil servants will be trained in e-governance and service delivery, public policy and implementation, information technology, decentralization, urban development and planning, ethics in Administration and challenges in implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs).

This is the second time that the NCGG has signed an MOU for a training programme for Bangladesh civil servants.

Under the first MOU signed five years ago, 1,500 Bangladesh civil servants were trained by the NCGG.

The participants of the training programme will be selected among from deputy commissioners/additional district magistrates, upazila nirbahi officers, deputy director local government, senior assistant secretaries, senior assistant commissioners, assistant commissioners (land) and officers of equivalent rank in the ministries from Bangladesh civil service (administration) cadre.

The NCGG is planning to conduct 15 training programmes this year, each of two weeks duration.

The trainee officers will undergo training at the NCGG Mussoorie centre and in Delhi where they would visit Government of India establishments.