Russia has no cases of new lambda variant of COVID-19 — agency


MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/: There are no cases of the new lambda variant of COVID-19 infections in Russia, the Vektor Center, developer of the EpiVacCorona coronavirus vaccine, told reporters in a statement on Monday.

"We continue to study the qualities of this variant. It was classified as a variant of interest by the World Health Organization (WHO) on June 14. There have been no infections with this strain SARS-CoV-2," the statement reads.

The Vektor Center clarified that this coronavirus has a number of distinctive mutations, including in the S protein. They can potentially be linked certain characteristics of the virus, particularly transmissibility and resistance to antibodies.

The lambda variant was detected in Peru in 2020 summer. Its genome contains a set of eight key mutations that are believed to significantly increase the transmissibility of the virus.