No decisions to toughen measures for non-vaccinated individuals in Russia, says Kremlin


MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/: No decisions on toughening restrictions towards those, who are not vaccinated against the novel coronavirus infection, have been taken at the federal level in Russia but regional authorities are already imposing certain measures, Russian president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Tuesday.

When asked whether Russia’s federal authorities are looking at possible toughening quarantine measures for those non-inoculated, like it was done in France, he said, "No decisions on this matter have been taken so far, but elements of such solutions are already being implemented at the regional level."

The Kremlin spokesman recalled that heads of Russian regions enjoyed special authority to take anti-coronavirus measures depending on the current situation in their regions. He noted however that the general coronavirus situation in the world required tougher measures against those non-vaccinated.