Russia can start testing vaccines with proteins of several coronavirus strains in 2022

Alexander Gintsburg

MOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/: The Gamaleya Center can start clinical trials of a vaccine containing proteins of several coronavirus strains early next year, Director of the Center Alexander Gintsburg told TASS.

"We are doing this also. It is not excluded it will pass to the first phase of clinical trials early next year. The pharmaceutical will contain three, four or five different genetic variations of the S-protein in a single vaccine," the Director said.

Creation of a vaccine simultaneously against the COVID-19 coronavirus and flu is possible but its development can only start after successful trials of a drug containing proteins of several coronavirus strains, Gintsburg noted.

"If we manage to link several different small parts of coronavirus’ S-proteins, then, for example, it will be possible to use several hemagglutinins of the flu virus instead of several coronavirus proteins. All that is possible," Gintsburg said.