Russian naval ship test-fires Kalibr cruise missile from Arctic sea

Missile corvette Sovetsk

MOSCOW, August 31. /TASS/: The Baltic Fleet’s missile corvette Sovetsk test-launched a Kalibr-NK cruise missile from the White Sea in the Arctic, the Fleet’s press office reported on Tuesday.

"The small missile ship Sovetsk successfully test-fired a seaborne Kalibr cruise missile from the White Sea against a coastal target at the Chizha proving ground [in the Arkhangelsk Region]. The data recording equipment indicated that the missile successfully struck the coastal target at a distance of over a thousand kilometers," the press office said in a statement.

Before the missile firing, the corvette Sovetsk passed over from the Baltic to the White Sea. Over the time of its transit, the warship’s crew held over 30 shipborne exercises to provide for the operation of combat posts in passing through narrow waters, conduct maneuvering and radio exchange in intensive shipping lanes and carry out anti-saboteur defense in an unprotected roadstead. Overall, the warship’s crew covered a distance of over 3,300 nautical miles, the statement says.

The missile corvette Sovetsk has begun moving back to its Baltiysk home naval base, the press office said.