Algeria's president says Libya should regain place in region

Abdelmadjid Tebboune

ALGIERS, Aug. 31 (Xinhua) -- Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said on Tuesday that Libya should regain its role in the Maghreb region, Africa and the Arab World, the official APS news agency reported.

Tebboune made the remarks at a meeting of foreign ministers of Libya's neighboring nations held in the capital of Algiers, which aimed at helping Libya to hold general elections on Dec. 24.

The meeting was attended by the foreign ministers of Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Niger and Chad, in addition to Congo which chairs the African Union. Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit, African Union Commissioner for Political, Peace and Security Affairs Bankole Adeoye, and the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General to Libya Jan Kubis also took part in the conference.

"As neighboring countries, we care more than anyone else about the stability of Libya, which affects all countries of the region," Tebboune said.

He added that Libya's human and economic capabilities, in addition to its geographical location, enable it to play a key role in the region.

Tebboune hailed the efforts that have been made during the two-day meeting to solve the Libyan crisis. The participants agreed to chase mercenaries and foreign forces away from Libya as the first step on the path of national reconciliation.

In February, Libya's warring factions agreed to create an interim government under the auspices of the United Nations, which will rule the country until the Dec. 24 elections.