Russia: Biden’s claims pullout from Afghanistan was a success not true — Duma committee’s chief

Leonid Slutsky

MOSCOW, September 1. /TASS/: US President Joe Biden’s claims that the pullout of his country’s forces from Afghanistan was a success sounded unconvincing and were just an attempt to boost his rating, the chairman of the State Duma’s international affairs committee, Leonid Slutsky, said in his Telegram channel on Wednesday.

"Biden’s statements on Afghanistan are an utter failure, just like Washington’s whole 20-year-long campaign in that country. The US leader sounded very unconvincing. What he said looked like a feeble attempt to save his popularity rating," Slutsky wrote. He recalled the latest explosions at Kabul’s airport, which killed dozens of people, including US troops.

Slutsky believes that Biden’s attempts at "propagandistic ‘zombieing’ of the global public has clearly failed." He stressed that in the European Union the situation in the region was described as a large-scale crisis.

At the same time Slutsky remarked that Biden had a point when he said that the era of military operations aimed at enforcing changes in other countries was over.

"One cannot but agree with this. The United States is unable to act in the capacity of a civilizer, using the promotion of democracy as a cover, but in reality crudely intervene in the affairs of sovereign states," Slutsky said.

He stressed that "Washington’s geopolitical experiment in Afghanistan resulted in the terrorist Taliban movement’s rise to power and another humanitarian disaster (the Taliban is outlawed in Russia as a terrorist organization)."

"The effects of hegemonic games hit Europe, Russia and China," he stated.

Speaking in the White House on Tuesday Biden said the evacuation of US citizens and the citizens of other countries from Afghanistan was "an extraordinary success" and "the era of major military operations to remake other countries" was over.