UN: 18,000 Yemen civilians killed, wounded in air strikes since 2015

09 Sep 2021; MEMO: A United Nations panel found that 18,000 Yemeni civilians had been killed or wounded in air strikes since 2015 during the ongoing conflict in the country.

A report presented to the Human Rights Council yesterday said Yemenis have been subjected to some ten air strikes a day, a total of more than 23,000 since March 2015.

The report found that both sides of the war, the Saudi-led coalition and the Houthis, have killed and wounded civilians. However, it said that the Saudi-led coalition has conducted all the air strikes, while the Houthis have killed and wounded civilians through shelling attacks.

The Saudi-led coalition entered the Yemeni war in March 2015 in what it said was an effort to reinstate the internationally recognized government of President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, however this perpetuated the conflict and pushed the country to become what the UN has described as the world's worst humanitarian crisis.