Russian cosmonauts commence spacewalk for integration of Nauka ISS module

Nauka module

MOSCOW, September 9. /TASS/: Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky and Pyotr Dubrov opened the ISS’ Poisk module docking airlock and began their spacewalk within the framework of the integration of the Nauka module. The operation is live streamed at the Roscosmos website.

The cosmonauts must now secure the airlock cap and install the protective ring. After that, Dubrov will be the first to enter the outer space, with Novitsky following. They will need to connect a large amount of various cables and mount rails on the module’s external surface.

The cosmonauts use Orlan-MKS spacesuits, decorated with red (Novitsky) and blue (Dubrov) stripes, that feature a new sturdier internal airtight shell and a new water cooling system that automatically maintains a comfortable internal temperature.