Second reactor launched at UAE nuclear power plant

 Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant UAE

10 Sep 2021; MEMO: The UAE's Barakah nuclear power station began operating its second reactor, the Abu Dhabi government media office said today, after the first reactor started commercial operations in April.

When completed Barakah, which is being built by a consortium led by Korea Electric Power Corp (KEPCO), will have four reactors with a total capacity of 5,600 megawatts (MW), equivalent to about 25 per cent of the UAE's peak demand.

When the first reactor was launched, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed tweeted: "The start of commercial operations at the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant is a historic milestone for the UAE that significantly enhances the sustainability of our entire power sector. We are grateful to those who made this possible and thank them for their diligence and hard work."

Barakah was reported to have been built at a cost of some $24.4 billion.