Russia’s Northern Fleet successfully completes exercise in Arctic — commander

MOSCOW, September 15. /TASS/: Russian Northern Fleet forces wrap up the exercise in the Arctic after a successful completion of all tasks, Russian Defense Ministry told journalists Wednesday.

"The forces that took part in the exercise proved their readiness to defend Russia’s Arctic territories, ensure the Russian military security and economic activity in the Arctic," Northern Fleet Commander Admiral Alexander Moiseyev said.

The Northern Fleet exercise was aimed at practicing defense of sea communications and Russian economic areas within the Northern Sea Route area. It also involved forces control during specula operations on containment and elimination of terrorists.

The drill covered several proving grounds in the Murmansk Region, swathes of Barents, Kara and Laptev Seas. It involved up to 8,000 servicemen, about 800 vehicles, some 120 aerial vehicles and up to 50 combat and support ships.