Russia: Moscow condemns London’s attempts to shift blame in Skripal case — diplomat

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, September 21. /TASS/: Russia slams all attempts of the UK to put the responsibility for the Skripal case onto Moscow and will continue to demand comprehensive information from London, spokeswoman for Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova told a briefing on Tuesday.

"We resolutely condemn all attempts by London to lay the blame for the Salisbury incident on Moscow and insist that it should be investigated professionally, objectively and impartially," she said.

"We also confirm that we are ready for substantial cooperation between law enforcement agencies and relevant experts," Zakharova added.

The spokeswoman also stressed that London continued to refuse to engage in a substantive discussion and investigation into what happened in Salisbury despite numerous appeals from Moscow and calls for a responsible dialogue. "At the same time, the UK leadership continues to abuse the Skripal case as an instrument to put pressure on our country, fanning the flames of anti-Russian sentiments in British society," the diplomat stressed.

"Russia is still determined to find out the truth as before," she concluded.

Scotland Yard said on Tuesday that charges of attempted murder of Sergei and Yulia Skripal as well as police officer Nick Bailey would be applied to a third person, Russian national Denis Sergeyev. The suspect, also known as Sergei Fedotov, is an alleged "GRU agent" (currently renamed to Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces) and an accomplice of the two other Russians who were previously indicted.