Russia: Gamaleya Center applies for registration of its COVID vaccine for teenagers


MOSCOW, September 23. /TASS/: Russia's Health Ministry has received from the Gamaleya Center a package of documents required for the registration of its vaccine against the novel coronavirus, which is meant especially for teenagers, the Health Minister's aide Alexei Kuznetsov told TASS on Thursday.

"Russia's Health Ministry has received a package of documents from the Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, needed for the registration of a COVID-19 vaccine for teenagers, Gam-Covid-Vac-M. In accordance with the established procedure the documents will be scrutinized and a decision will be made whether the vaccine deserves government registration," he said.

Kuznetsov added that if the decision was favorable, the vaccine would be used for protecting teenagers from the novel coronavirus infection "exclusively on the voluntary basis and on the condition of consent from the parents or other legal representatives."