Russia: Kiev unwillingness to comply with Minsk-2 is obstacle to Putin-Zelensky meeting - Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov

MOSCOW, September 26. /TASS/: Kiev’s unwillingness to comply with the Minsk-2 agreements is an obstacle to a possible meeting of the Russian and Ukrainian Presidents, Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zelensky, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the ‘Moscow. Kremlin. Putin’ program on Rossiya-1 TV channel.

"Yes, the president of the Russian Federation was ready yesterday, so to say," Peskov said. "What is the stumbling block here? Ukraine does not implement the Minsk agreements, Ukraine wants to replace the Minsk agreements with something else, without naming this. And apart from this, it does not want to comply, for example, with the agreements that were achieved in Paris already three years ago," Peskov said.

He stressed that "active attempts are taken by the ministries and political advisors, who are engaged in this issue within the context of the ‘four’ (Germany Russia, Ukraine and France - TASS) to revive this process". "But in reality, it is of course at an impasse," Peskov stressed.