Pakistan pushes for conflict resolution as UN debates report aiming at global cooperation

Munir Akram

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 26 (APP): Pakistan underscored the need for promoting conflict resolution and dispute settlement during a discussion Monday at the United Nations on Secretary-General’s landmark report that sets out his vision for the future of global cooperation.

“The Secretary-General has the power and must fully utilize his considerable authority under the charter to promote such conflict resolution and dispute settlement,” Ambassador Munir Akram told the General Assembly, which debated the UN chief’s report, titled ‘Our Common Agenda’, released last month.

The report is designed to strengthen and accelerate multilateral agreements – particularly the 2030 development agenda – and make a tangible difference in people’s lives.

The best approach to prevent conflicts and protect populations, the Pakistan envoy said, is to promote universal adherence and respect for the principles of the UN Charter and international law.

“Our common agenda must also address the pervasive, inequality, which is the hallmark of our times, and which is the root cause of both under development, and conflict,” Ambassador Akram said.

Among these underlying causes are: the unilateral use of military and economic power and coercion to dictate unequal and unjust political or economic outcomes;

the continuing resort to the use or threat of use of force, military intervention, occupation; and an international trade and financial system which is structured in ways that perpetuates inequality against the smaller and weaker states and nations.

“Our Common Agenda”, he said, should identify and develop consensus on proposals to redress these underlying causes of inequality.

The United Nations’ “prevention mandate” remains controversial due to the blatant double standards applied in addressing specific situations, Ambassador Akram said.

The Pakistani envoy also said that the UN cannot create a new national “social contract” for sovereign states, which, he said must be determined by each state within the context of its own political, social, cultural and historical context.

At the international level, the consensus of the world community on the 2030 agenda and its corresponding SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) represents the “social contract”.