Russia: NATO's dictating of its security architecture to APR destructive — Foreign Ministry

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/: NATO's attempts to dictate its architecture of security to the Asia-Pacific Region are destructive, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news briefing on Wednesday.

"We believe that NATO's attempts at dictating its vision of security architecture to the region are destructive and may seriously destabilize the situation in the APR," she said.

Zakharova stressed that all questions about NATO's aims in this situation remained unanswered. If the alliance is really determined to enhance security in the APR, she said, then its actions should be agreed with the countries located there. But if NATO's real aim is to build up a military presence in the APR, this arouses questions about compliance with international law.

"If NATO is after building up its military presence in the region, then there is a question over compliance with international law and, in fact, the goals that the alliance sets to itself, or someone else set to the alliance. But there is certainly in stark contrast to what NATO leaders talk so loftily about," she said.

Zakharova stressed that all problems that there exist on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia should be addressed exclusively by political and diplomatic means and in a comprehensive way.