Gas pumping to Germany via Yamal - Europe resumes after 5 days of shutdown


MOSCOW, November 4. /TASS/: Direct gas supplies via the Yamal-Europe pipeline to Germany resumed on Thursday afternoon after five days of shutdown and reverse in the opposite direction, according to the information of the European gas transmission operator Gascade.

Thus, the volume of supplies in the first hour after the pumping was resumed reached 186,600 cubic meters.

Meanwhile, gas prices in Europe fell by almost 4% to $877 per 1,000 cubic meters, according to the ICE exchange.

The direct pumping of gas to Europe via the Yamal-Europe pipeline stopped on the morning of Saturday, October 30. Gazprom reported that European consumers' requests for Russian gas supplies are being fulfilled, and "fluctuations in demand for Russian gas depend on the actual needs of buyers".

Yamal - Europe gas pipeline passes through the territory of four countries - Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Germany. Its design capacity is 32.9 bln cubic meters of gas per year.